Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Books I *Heart*

Posted on 6:51 AM by follow me

Stir crazy, that's what I am. I need to get out of this house but little one needs to be home resting. With so much time on my hands I've been using it constructively, working on our budget, online window shopping, napping and reading. Lots of reading.

I highly recommed this book if you appreciate a clean country look. It's a very refreshing style.

I never tire of this book. It's one of my favorites to pull out time and again. I was checking it out from the library once a month so I finally broke down and bought it. Good decision.

This is a new addition to my bookshelves and I just love it. I can't wait to make some of the adorable projects in this book.

These are some of the books I'm coveting. I'd like to think that someone might get them for me for Valentine's Day. Otherwise there is a better than small chance I'll treat myself.

Let me know if you've discovered any good books lately. I put our carpenter on standby so we can build more bookshelves.

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