Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cheap Girl Blogging...A Banner Day

Posted on 12:31 PM by follow me

Maybe one day, we'll go "big time" and have a banner
that isn't handmade, but I kind of like putting together
my own collage-y banner with ever changing themes.
Sure it's a bit "home spun" but hey, I'm cheap
and since this is just a hobby, spending $$ on it
seems unwise.

You guys have tolerated our free backgrounds and
banners for this long, so you must not mind them
too much! :) (And THANKX for that!!!)

I'm not going to lie...I'd rather have a box of
candy, but a box full of pretty shells would be
nice to!!!

One of these months, we just may shock you and
you will come to visit and find such a perfectly poshly
made-over'll be wondering if you came
to the right place! But until then, when you see our
banner full of bits & bobs you'll know you're back
at the OC Cottage! :)

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