Sunday, January 15, 2012

Faux Grain Sack Pillows & Runner

Posted on 1:53 PM by follow me

This is what I was up to over the weekend... making this ...

and this.

(see that Tiffany blue box, I won a fabulous giveaway I'll share soon)

I have been debating whether to buy some authentic grain sacks to make some pillows and a table runner. I even had some grain sacks in an online shopping cart, and kept going back to look at them, but just couldn't get myself to click on the "buy" button.

I finally just decided to use what I already have and make my own (and save about $100 as a result!)

No one would even know they're not the real thing, right, well except now you do.

I made 3 pillows and 1 runner for about $10. (I'll show you the 3rd pillow soon!)

(dang wrinkles, I swear I tried)
I used leftover dropcloth material and basically just taped off varying stripes, eyeballing as I went. Then I brushed on some red acrylic paint and pulled the tape off.

I'm loving my new pillows and table runner, they give my home a fun french farmhouse feel.

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