Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Have A Heart!

Posted on 1:14 PM by follow me

That title has a double meaning for me today....
Obviously, this post is centered around a "Heart "
theme...but also, I am begging your indulgence for
a time. I finally got my own computer
(THX AGAIN GUYS!) And I am not very adept at
using it yet...Mac is a completely different animal!
But, I am finally all set up... (THX POOKIE!!) and
this is my first post on my computer, from my own
home while sitting on the floor...WOW!

Question: What do you Mac people use for photo
editing???? I have IPhoto, but I'm not really feeling
it! Too limited, so I was thinking of buying my old
Corel program for Mac...I need more borders or
I'll go nuts!!!

OK...enough of my blah, blah, blah...

I was having fun today digging out all my hearts
that I'll be needing for decorating and crafting!
Thankfully, Kae has always been a fan of the heart
shape, so we are never in short supply of them!

A few beads for earrings & things....

These are cute little stickers that are "supposed"
to be for scrapping...but they look so cute in their
little box, I've never been able to use them!!!

I brought out all the sparkly, shiny hearts
I could find!!

And broke out my heart pins!!!!

I add all the little "Valentine-y" touches to
anything that couldn't out run me !!!

No matter how small!!!!

I really put my heart into it!! :)

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