Friday, January 27, 2012

Odd Collections

Posted on 11:04 AM by follow me

Lately I find myself collecting odd things. Things that normal people probably wouldn't consider bringing home. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to them. I was inspired to find this lard tin (yes, you read that right, lard.tin.) after seeing one on Karen Russell's blog. I fell in love with her entire studio but there was something about that danged lard tin that I couldn't get out of my mind. Weird, I know.

I guess I suffer from Orphan Syndrome. I just feel the need to give things a home that might not otherwise have one. Lonely things that seem to have lost their other parts are particularly attractive to me. Go ahead and analyze away Freud. I found these clock hands at the flea market last week for .10 each. By the way, you know you are focused on a financial goal when you go to the flea market and only spend $10. 

This is a clock face I recently found. I was unable to resist that aqua 6 right there. You understand, right? There were actually other numbers on there too but within hours of buying it I dropped it and all of the other numbers fell off. Seriously. A little dusty pile of broken numbers. Thanks goodness my 6 behaved itself.

So, what's new with you guys? I miss you but I have so much to do. You understand, right? This house goes on the market in about 5 weeks and I'm as busy as a one armed paper hanger. Did any of your moms use that phrase? I woke up at 3 am this morning with the full realization of what we are doing. I still can't believe it. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm probably more than a little crazy. What are you doing today to make your dreams come true?

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