Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dream the Impossible Dream

Posted on 10:55 AM by follow me

Today I really want to talk to you about dreams. I feel passionately about this subject. You see, I am completely overwhelmed today with the knowledge that we have the power to make our dreams come true. But. It's not enough that I know. I want you to know it too. I want you to reach far and wide. Dream big! There are no boundaries.

A year ago this past Autumn we began to visit this Village, falling more in love with it every day, just wishing that we could have a life here. It took awhile for us to realize that our dreams weren't just magically going to come true. We had to make them happen. We had to voice our dream, put it out there into the world and then start taking steps to make it come true. And guess what! It worked. We started telling everyone that we wanted to move to the Village. We called our Realtor. We prepared. We researched. Most importantly, we leaped feet first into this new life having faith that our dream would come true. And come true it has.

Don't get me wrong. There have been sacrifices galore but there have been even more rewards. Then around the first of January I started to get a little cocky. I started saying that we were going to be moving into a house on April 22nd. I had a very specific reason for picking that day. I figured if we bought a house in April we would only have an overlap of rent and mortgage for 1 month. Also, our anniversary is April 29th so clearly I didn't want to be moving that weekend. They all laughed, but you know what? I didn't care, because I knew that the only reason we were even here was because I had a dream, I put my dream out there and I took steps to make it come true. Would any of you like to guess what date we are moving into our new house?

My family was a little shocked when they realized this dream was also coming true. I mean, come on, it seems almost ridiculous that it would. Almost every step along the way we have had to overcome obstacles, some very large, to get to this point. I never want to loose faith or this feeling of knowing that I have the power to shape my destiny.

I really wanted to share this with you so that if you are coasting through life like I was, not really happy or living what you feel is your authentic life, that you will see that you do not have to sit around powerless and waiting. You can do something to change it. It may seem overwhelming or impossible, but little steps add up to big changes. I'd love to hear what you are dreaming for yourself.

I dedicate this post to Kim at Daisy Cottage. Not only was she the person that introduced me to blogging and encouraged me to start my own, she was the person that showed me that this dream could be achieved and encouraged me the whole way. Love you Kim!

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