Friday, February 17, 2012

Foot Fetish

Posted on 4:21 AM by follow me

I never was one of those girls. I couldn't imagine spending lots of money on shoes and having so many pairs that I required special storage for them. Then one day I woke up and I was different. I was a shoe person. I'm not sure how or why it happened. My guess is that it coincided with a new inner confidence that took me about 37 years to get and which spawned a love of fashion, of letting the outside reflect what is inside. For the record, I still can't imagine spending a lot of money on shoes, but I now can imagine the need for storage to accommodate an ever growing collection.
I just ordered these boots from Target ($32.99) inspired by my newest fashion hero, Rebekah at Little Byrd Vintage. This girl can put together a thrifted outfit like nobody I've ever seen. I adore her style. We have very similar taste.
My other fashion hero of late is Kasey from Lola B Boutique and she is the reason I just ordered these shoes from Target ($18.89). I've been watching and waiting for them to go on sale and yesterday it finally happened.

I can't wait to put both of these pairs of shoes into the fashion mix and share the results with you. Embrace life. Go buy yourself a new pair of shoes.

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