Sunday, February 5, 2012

Put Your Feet Up

Posted on 7:34 AM by follow me

I have a big problem. My coffee table. It's huge. I know that in order to show off my family room to it's full potential when our house goes on the market, I will need to replace it with something smaller.

This was not a devastating realization because my coffee table is old and beat up. But not the good kind of old and beat up. 

And since one girl's trash is another girl's treasure, my sweet friend Carrie has excitedly offered to buy it off of me. I'm sure I will regret the decision when I see what wonderful things she does with it. 

For now, I'm excitedly daydreaming about my options and  considering what new old and beat up thing I might bring home. I'm all about the silver linings.

Have a great weekend and I hope your pick wins the Super Bowl as long as your pick is the COLTS!!!!!!!

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