Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Reason Why Some Pictures Are Never Taken...

Posted on 7:51 PM by follow me

...NON-UNION HELP!!!!! :)

(Juuuuuust kidding, my cats live
in a right-to-lounge-state! :)

I have two "assistants" but this one is , by far,
the most "helpful"!

So, when he is helping me so "vigilantly"...
I just can't get anything done! Mostly because
I am cracking up!

There is no "tough love" here...they own
me and they know little "chirp"
and I'm like putty in their paws!

I had to show you this one tonight...
I had put it in the wrong folder at
Christmastime and never could find it!
But here it all it's puppy-humiliating-
glory...Bee's babies's Christmas portrait...
poor things!


Special "THX!!" to Kathryn at OUR SHABBY COTTAGE
for this lovely award.

This amazingly insane seamstress
should be giving awards to no one
but herself!!!

And also to Abigail at ABIGAIL HUTCH
for this sweet award

...she enjoys life like no other!

THX GUYS!!!!!!

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