Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sandy Gets Her PINK on!

Posted on 10:50 AM by follow me


Now, let's get down to business...PINK SATURDAY

So, I am sure that many of you have received your premiere
edition of Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade
magazine by now?

My sisters love her but I have to confess, I have only seen
her show a few times and I was really only interested in the
cuteness of her kitchen...but I must admit, this magazine is
a keeper! Especially since it's all about the PINK this month!

There's not only cooking...but crafts, decor & DIY ideas

She even gives a list of the best PINK paints!

There are a lot of other fun PINK ideas too!

This darling pink apron from HEAVENLY HOSTESS ...

which, wonder of wonders, Bee already owns! And I
cannot tell you how fun the Heavenly Hostess store is
(there is so much more than aprons!) or just how nice
they are!!!!

She also features this Jaqua PINK Buttercreme Frosting Lotion
that truly has to be smelled to be believed! You'll really
think it must taste as good as it smells...but a word to
the wise...it's doesn't! ;)

So if you have no plans today, sit down with Sandy
and have a truly PINK SATURDAY!!

Skeedaddle on over to HOW SWEET THE SOUND to add some
PINK to your day!

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