Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Posted on 1:39 PM by follow me

Well, yesterday Kae hosted her annual Valentine's Tea...
and I was sooooooooo ready to take millions of pictures
to post, and that I was happily doing...until my battery
died...(DUH! doesn't even seem to be the right word
for such moron-itude!)

Luckily, my niece had her camera at the was even
charged! Maybe that is why she is the paid, professional
photogharpher...and I am not! But now I have to wait to
get the pictures from her, so in the meantime, I will
tease you with a few of the ones I was able to take before
the unfortunate event!

Cute, glittery heart huh? I know! She didn't get me
one either!!!! Where's the LOVE?????


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