Tuesday, March 20, 2012

*Blowing Eggs & Paste Eggs*

Posted on 4:21 AM by follow me

The Great Big Glorious Book for Girls has a wonderful section on Easter and their advice for blowing eggs is 'Using a fairly large sharpe needle, very carefully pierce a hole at the top and bottom of the egg. This needs a little caution and a delicate touch so as not to crack the egg in the process. Twist the needle round to make the holes a little bigger, otherwise blowing out the contents of the the egg will be impossible and make your cheeks burst with the effort. Wiggle the needle round to help break up the whites and yolk. You can also give the egg a fairly vigorous shake at this point to break up the contents further, which makes blowing easier.
Place the pointed end of your egg to your lips, and blow as hard as you can over a bowl. Persevere ~ the egg whites are the hard part, but once they are all removed you will be relieved to find the egg yolk should flow out much more easily and quickly. Keep blowing until the egg is completely empty.
Rinse the egg a few times, blowing out the water to make sure it is completely clean inside, then wipe it carefully with a cloth, and allow it to dry for 30 minutes or so before painting and decorating.'


So that is what I will be doing this afternoon! We will also make some Paste eggs too, as I used to do this as a child with my family. Did you?

If not, all it is is boiling the eggs until they are hard boiled and then painting & decorating them, and then on Easter Sunday we used to take them out into the country side and find a big hill and roll them down! (Obviously as a little girl I was always disappointed if my didn't roll the furthest! Tee hee!)
I hope the weather is ok on Sunday for us to do this!
I think different places roll eggs on Easter Monday but my family always did it on Easter Sunday!
We also had the custom of egg tapping, where one person taps the others egg and vice versa until one breaks! (My dad was always good at this, as dads tend to be with things like this!)

Well ta ta for now, I better get on and get those eggs decorated!
Oh and it's the Spring Equinox today, so Spring Greetings to you all!

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