Monday, March 26, 2012

Fabulous Friday- Get Dressed

Posted on 3:30 AM by follow me

Sometimes I get in a rut. Sometimes this rut involves yoga pants and no makeup. Sometimes it's all I can do to make myself put on a face and some real clothes. Sometimes I have to make myself go out and buy something pretty and find an excuse to get dressed up and leave the house.

I always feel better when I do. I'm realizing that I need to do this for myself more often. I'm not saying that there's no place in my life for pants that have a drawstring. What I'm saying is that when I put some effort into me, I feel so much better about myself. I treat myself better, I have more energy and purpose to my days. I feel much more fabulous. Yesterday was a rainy, lazy yoga pants kind of day. Today is a clear, get off your butt and do something with yourself kind of day.

Let me know if you post something for Fabulous Friday and I'll be happy to link to it.

Check out what Michelle posted for Fabulous Friday right here.

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