Saturday, March 17, 2012


Posted on 3:28 PM by follow me

Lately I've been:

Shopping for the new house
I've scarcely bought anything house related in the past year. I had been fond of saying that I had lost my will to shop. Well folks, I'm here to tell you that I have found my will again.

Doing lots of decorating research
Lots. There are decorating books, saved issues of Country Home and hundreds of tear sheets from magazines past that all need to be sorted through in the hunt for new house inspiration. (If you are anything like me you will click on this picture to make it larger so that you can see what some of my favorite decorating books are.)

Working on a new knitting project for someone special
Can't wait for my newest niece to enter the world.

'Nuff said.

Playing the last time game
For instance in the above picture you see a large pack of paper towels. When I buy something like that I say to myself "That is the last time I will ever buy paper towels in this house." Another version of this game is the "by the time" game. It goes like this..."by the time this milk expires we will not be living in this house anymore." There is definitely a theme here. 

Doing some reading. Aside from all of that time I am spending flipping through books I am actually reading a couple too. This book as well as the last Harry Potter book. I realize I am years late to that party but at least I finally showed up.

Buying a house. Yep that's right. We closed 2 days ago. We are renting it back to the previous owner for a month and it was really hard to walk out of there without our keys but I'm looking forward to all of the fun we will have when we finally get them on April 15th. Also the time is flying by. Because I am doing lots of stuff. Fun stuff. Cool stuff. Ok, weird stuff too.

So while I seem to have found my will to shop, I seem to have lost my will to spend much time on the computer. Or to cook. I'm not big on that lately either. I know I will get my mojo back sometime soon but until then please excuse my absences and strange, rambling posts when I finally make an appearance.

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