Monday, March 26, 2012

My Beauty Must Haves

Posted on 5:24 PM by follow me

I consider us to be friends, you and me. And as friends I feel like we are honor bound to share our beauty secrets with one another. Some of you friends may remember awhile back when I blogged about beauty and asked for recommendations. Well, I took your suggestions to heart and have been trying some of them although I still have some to try. I wanted to let you know about some of what's really working for me these days in the hopes that it might help some of you also.

These have become my tried and true products over the last 6 months. My skin has cleared up incredibly with only the occasional hormone induced monthly blemish episode. My Sweet Hubby even commented to me that my skin looked beautiful a couple of weeks ago. Nobody has ever said my skin was beautiful. Ever. Did I mention not ever?

So without further ado, these are the products I can't live without.

Patricia Wexler's Dual Action Foaming Cleanser I use this religiously twice a day. I must tell you that my skin went in to shock the first week and I almost stopped using it but I persevered and boy am I glad I did.

Patricia Wexler's Skin Regenerating Serum I use this every night and occasionally during the day. I put it on fairly lightly during the day and use the Wexler moisturizer on top of it at night only. This stuff is also amazing if you have Eczema. It has done a great job evening out my skin tone.True Blue Spa Heel of Approval I went from being referred to lovingly by my family as Hobbit Feet, to being sandal ready. This stuff is amazing!
Carmex Lip Balm: Okay, serious addiction here. I have one in my bathroom, one in the kitchen and one in my purse. I've been known to get friends addicted (Yes you, Carrie!) and if I start to run low I get the shakes. I rarely wear lipstick but this stuff keeps my lips super kissable.

Boots No 7 Day and Night Eye Care I especially like the daytime gel. I really can see a difference when I use it, a good's night sleep in a bottle. I tried buying the eye gel in a tube instead of this and it is not the same. When it's gone I'll go back to this little honey. Since I'm too cheap to throw it away, I'll just have to look tired until it's gone.
P.S. Chocolate it is. It will be here April 3rd!

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