Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shoulda Morphed On Monday But It's Thursday...

Posted on 9:28 PM by follow me

I know! I know! Metamorphosis Monday was
....uh...duh...Monday...only 3 days late, but
who's counting, right? ;)
Well, this is just a mini-morph so, it's not
really worthy of the official day anyway.

Speaking of Christmas!
(Scared you, huh? Really, I am going
somewhere with this...)
I have been trying to find ways to "re-purpose"
some Christmas decorations, not because I
want to bump Paris Hilton out of the running
for the next UN Ambassador of Waste-Not-Want-Not...
nothing even remotely noble. I am just looking
for ways NOT to have to put things away and
then drag them out again in November...
I think I have mentioned before that I hold a
PhD in LAZY!

Bee got me that darling vintage Christmas
card above, very cute in it's white frame...
why should it be shoved in a box for months?

So, using the ridiculous sand covered frame
I made the other day as my inspiration,
I created a spring-esque vignette...

Just a bit of the same paper, slipped over the
card and into the frame and Voila!
Sionara Santa!

I added a small glittery starfish to the
corner because, well...I cannot help

Phew! Well, that's one thing I don't have
to put away. Now, if I can only turn that
4 foot tinsel tree into a toilet paper holder....

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