Monday, April 30, 2012

Better Blogging Through Beauty...

Posted on 9:38 PM by follow me

The ridiculously talented...and, might I add,
"charming" Joy, from CUPID'S CHARMS
is hosting her Beautiful Blogging Party today!
And everyone is supposed to share what it is
they like about, away we go.

When I first started blogging, the pictures
were that last thing on my mind...I had no
idea what I was doing so, why worry about
such an inconsequential thing like that! ;)
I was more worried about what I would ever
find to write about...(I know, that's not really
a problem now, huh?!! Yak, yak, yak, yak,yak!)

My previous stints as a photographer
consisted of someone handing me their
camera and saying, " Here, just push that
button". And me saying, "Onnnnne, twoooo,
Consequently, all my pictures looked like
the ones above...
hazy, unfocused and just plain dorky!
Nothing like all the beautiful blogs I was
finding with pictures that looked like the
could be in a magazine!
Then one day I discovered a little thing that
made my bloggy buttons burst!

And a whole new world was opened to me!
(pardon me while I rhapsodize!)

When I discovered I could get details like

and this...

and this....

I fell in love with photography!
And I went from thinking, " I have to
have a picture to show them what I'm
talking about" to "Ohhh, I have to show
them this picture!".

Every little detail seemed more interesting.

I started noticing everything!

Trees, sky, lint!
Actually capturing the rays of the sun?
Get out of here!

I am usually laying across a piece of
furniture to get just the angle I want!

Or to get just the right un-Photoshopped

And discovering a different view...

and even obsessing a bit...I must have taken
20 shots of this ribbon before I had the one
I wanted!

And for some sick reason, I could take pictures
of these little hearts all day long! The way the
light goes in and out of them is really cool!

The ordinary is actually very pretty...

and anything shiny is extra pretty!

The quest for the perfect light (that all the
Scandinavian bloggers have down pat!).

A handsome male model is very helpful!

The sweet, funny and amazingly talented
people I have "met" has been such a treat
and a revelation. The creativity out there
in blogland is unbelievable!
But I had never expected to become a
photography nerd who carries her
camera around in her purse everyday..."just
in case"! And, one day, when this blogging
thing is done, this passion for taking pictures
of saucers full of glitter will endure...and quite
possibly get me institutionalized!

Beautiful Blogging to all!!!

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