Friday, April 20, 2012

Calendar Girl...

Posted on 10:59 PM by follow me

Several years ago Bee got this really darling
calendar by a watercolor artist named Judy
Buswell,, who we had never heard of,
but instantly loved after we found
that the painting for one of the months was
not just a chintz teapot, but a favorite pattern
called Welbeck (very rare and
expensive, so this was the closest we'd
ever get to a Welbeck teapot!!)

So, when that particular year had ended,
Bee decided to frame the teapot like so...

Well, I happened to be in possession of
a memory board that was hideous, but
the frame was very cool indeed. And Bee
had given me the pictures from all the
other months so I got a bright idea!

(Do people always say this to you, "I
was going to throw this away but then
I thought you could probably make
something out of it." Like you're
the MacGyver of crafts! ;)

So, with a paper clip, a rubberband
and a wad of pre-chewed gum I came
up with this.... (just kidding!)

So, now I just pop in whichever
picture fits the occasion and I
have a new look! (Literally "pop",
I just slide it under the frames edges
from the front!)


Tea party/Valentines/Spring

Tea party/Summer

(No Fall...the picture had waaaay
to much orange, it had to go, blick!)

Quick, cheap, lazy girl decorating!
I wonder why Joy Mangano hasn't
thought of this yet!!!!

If you'd like too see more of Judy's
beautiful painting, just click HERE

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

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