Sunday, April 1, 2012

Feelin' Un-ish

Posted on 9:17 AM by follow me

Since I've been gone so long that my friend Carrie felt the need to mention it yesterday, I thought I better post. Sorry for my absence, but I have a good reason. Or not. I've been feeling kinda un-ish, unmotivated, unsatisfied, and the big one, uninspired.

It's still cold here, we're not going anywhere next week for spring break & I have an almost 15 year old girl that is doing her best to create havoc around here and it is affecting every aspect of my life. Not sure if I can survive the next few years without developing a wine habit. 'Nuff said.

So, since I am knee deep in my Un-ishness (I'm just creating all kinds of words today), I thought I would try to snap myself out of it by focusing on inspiration this week. I'm endlessly inspired by the pictures I've put in this book. There is no rhyme or reason to how or where I place them. Sometimes they are grouped by color or theme but often because they just seem to want to go together.

This collage inspiration book is the simplest kind of creativity. The kind you learn in Kindergarten and yet it is so satisfying. If you don't have a book like this, I encourage you to start one and let your imagination soar. Maybe even reverse your case of un-ishness.

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