Monday, April 2, 2012

The Heart of The Matter.....

Posted on 9:12 PM by follow me

I have been noticing these marshmallowy treats
everywhere! They are soooooo pretty in all their
pastelly goodness! I have spent many a sleepless
night wondering what they might taste like?????
But I never allowed myself to buy them because
I might like them... philosophy is: if I don't try new things that
I might like, then I will never know that I like them
and those are a few less things that I will eat...
and consequently increase in size...exponentially!

There was no need for this rule until a few years
ago when I was forced into trying ranch dressing
& pistachios...both of which I had spent a life time
ignoring but now...well, let's just say, if I found an
old tire by the side of the road and there was ranch
dressing anywhere near by...ommmm nomm nommm!

Alas, last week I broke was 3 o'clock
and I hadn't eaten a thing and my inner glutton
won out! Which, ultimately was a good thing, since I
now know that they are quite BORING and I have
no desire for them...not even with ranch dressing!

But none of that was the point of this post...
the sales girl insisted that "everyone thinks they
are hearts left over from Valentine's Day, but they
are actually bunny feet!". Really??? Bunny Feet?

Do you see that? Bunny feet?

Well, they certainly aren't birdie feet!

And they don't look like the feet of famous
English authors for a thousand, Alex!

I'd have to save they need to check the ventilation
in the particular Home Goods...loopy sales girl, or
no....thems hearts as I live and breathe!

No matter...whatever they are, and however
yucky they taste...they are rather photogenic
so I think I will be enjoying them
a fabulously non-caloric way!

Hurry over to visit our lovely hostess, Gollum,
for more FOODIE FRIDAY !!

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