Monday, April 16, 2012

(Mother of) Pearls of Wisdom

Posted on 9:02 PM by follow me

This arrangement is next to my bedroom door {duh, obviously! ;}
a picture frame (I popped out the glass and painted the whole shebang
white, then added mirror I got on Ebay)
a papier mache tray (I decoupaged with tissue paper...desperate times
call for desperate measures...and when you move into a home with
lavender walls and are FAR too lazy to paint find yourself
being more desperate than the average bear!)
and one of my favorite "pearly de-light" switch cover!

I saw the idea in a magazine a long time ago, except it had been done
with seashells. I didn't have any shells then, but since I have a thing for
MOP buttons, I had quite a few of them to play with. In the magazine,
the shells were glued directly to the wall, but I didn't really want to pull
a huge chunk of lovely wallboard out, if there came a day when my muse
wanted to change things, I glued them to the switch plate and
then just placed the frame around it. I'm pretty happy with the way it
turned out!(my muse still likes it too !).

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

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