Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ooops...where did that come from?

Posted on 6:25 PM by follow me

For some reason I looked on my front porch the other night...which I never do (unless I'm expecting pizza!), and there was a package!!! I love to get packages (my mailman would have a different opinion on that subject!) Hmmmm...Canada. What did I order from someone in Canada.
Scary, but I really had no recollection of doing it...until I opened it...then it all came back to me...that night, the glass of wine, Ebay, oh yah, I did do that, didn't I?
YIPEE! pretty new(ish, well, they are "new" to me) plates!(that sentence made no sense, yeesh, I could have just said "vintage").

They were only .99 cents! ($15.00 shipping...but I figured if you amortize that between 5 plates and 365 days, they were practically FREE!)

I am a vintage china user! I refrigerate them and microwave them, they are actually quite durable...except when a DVD falls on them...long story...
I blew it a bit with the new plates though since they have a gold edge, which is one thing that is not compatible with the modern microwave, but oh well.
A Canadian package full of pretty is good.

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