Monday, April 23, 2012

Shouldn't Every Day Be Earth Day?

Posted on 7:42 AM by follow me

So, yesterday was Earth Day. Now what? What are you doing to make this a better place? I know. I sound like a tree hugger. I guess my secret is out, I love this world. What are you teaching your kids? This little one is a tree hugger too. We call her nature girl. She loves to play and explore outside, plant gardens, pick up trash everywhere we go, starts her prayers every night with "Thank you for trees & plants, fruits & vegetables". I kid you not. Kids like her are going to save this world one day.

I've started down the path to greendom one baby step at a time. Like with all lifestyle changes, I have to do it in a less painful way. First I started recycling. Now I'm so fanatical about it that I almost don't have enough room in the huge recycling can they give me. Then, I started using cloth rags cut from old t-shirts instead of paper towels. We still use paper towels but a roll of select-a-size bounties lasts us weeks instead of a day or two. Next it was on to non toxic cleaners. I replaced them one at a time but am still working my way up to trading out the Scrubbing Bubbles.

Next it was on to all those blessed plastic sacks that find their way into our home. I do recycle some of them for use as doggie business picker uppers and I have a stash to use at my garage sale. Whenever possible, I use this bag that I made & which so easily fits in my purse. This Macy's bag is my new favorite, perfect for grocery shopping with it's structured design and a price tag of less than $4.00.
Now I'm working on conserving, water, electricity and gas. That's good for my earth and good for my pocketbook. Apparently being green is now the in thing, so if like me, you weren't one of the popular kids in school, this is your chance to be part of the in crowd!

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