Sunday, April 15, 2012

What's New

Posted on 8:42 AM by follow me

 A week? Really? I've been busy. I have proof and although I didn't get to spend the week visiting all of your blogs the way I had hoped, I do have good excuses. I'm hoping that counts for something.

We've been enjoying watching Spring's magic unfold before our very eyes.
We've spent some time getting our feet wet.
As if that weren't enough to make me happy, I mastered this Sunday's Sudoku puzzle. Yep. Totally showed it who was boss.

Then my sweet, sweet hubby surprised me with a little laptop. Now I love to spend time lounging in bed pretending to be Kathleen Kelly. Only 2 things could make this any better  1)if my bedroom were this pretty 2) if You've Got Mail was playing on my tv while I was lounging.

Then I met a friend at the coffee shop in the Village for a little visit and then got my haircut at a salon just off Main Street. I believe it was the best first cut I've ever gotten. I took eleventy thousand pictures of it so you could see. It was either this one where I'm doing the weird self conscious mouth thing or one that would give you the opportunity to play count the chins. Weird mouth thing it is! After my haircut I walked the streets under the flowering trees with the beautiful Spring breeze at my back and the sun shining on my face and I just knew I was where I'm supposed to be.

When I got home I signed papers that officially put us under contract. We've sold our house! We close June 14th. There are still hurdles to jump, an inspection on the 23rd and an appraisal. Oh and we don't have a place to move to. Our first choice has been rented and it looks like our back up has been rented too. Now is a time for faith. I'm afraid that was in short supply for me this morning as I broke down in tears at this news. Oh how I had my heart set on the little cottage rental. I don't know what's ahead for us but I guess that has been the theme for this entire process. I welcome all the lucky vibes, prayers, good mojo and support you guys want to shoot my way.

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