Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Corner

Posted on 11:40 AM by follow me

 I love my corner. I will do almost anything to get sent there. Including acting out like this:

Don't worry I didn't get in too much trouble. He was being ornery and deserved it. Plus it got his attention and got me sent to the corner. My Momma used to say that we act like 2 puppies playing and nipping at each others heels and then licking each others faces and rolling around.

Speaking of Mommas, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was a bit rough. Those of you who have been around since last summer will understand. My family spoiled me rotten and loved me up good so that helped dry my tears a bit.

Also, I got to spend time in my corner and even got to read the Sunday paper on Sunday. Can you imagine? I can't remember the last time that happened. Then I spent some quality time with this book, what a treat. Also, the Vera Bradley fairy visited me and was very generous. I love that fairy.

 Today I didn't like my attitude at all so I had no choice but to send myself to the corner. It took me quite awhile to learn my lesson. I make no promises that my questionable behavior won't continue tomorrow as well. After all, I have a whole stack of books sitting there waiting for me.

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