Monday, May 21, 2012

Do You Ever...

Posted on 7:33 AM by follow me

Think you have a post all ready
to go...the germ of an idea...the
pictures...then when you start
it your realise that you don't have
enough...or the right pictures for
it to make sense? I guess I rely too
heavily on pictures and lack the
verbal skills to "make it work"! ;)
Well, this is my situation today,
when I looked at my pictures, I
thought, "What am I trying to show
here? I didn't even get pictures if the
important parts!" What a dork I am!
I think I was really into the light...
again...I get a bit lost in it and I forget
that I'm actually supposed to be taking
pictures of things and not sparkles &
reflections! (I also have the attention
span of a gnat!) So, sorry my post is
Loserville today! I will punish myself
by not having Del Taco for lunch!

Have a great day (and get lost in the
light if at all possible! ;)

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