Saturday, May 12, 2012

Getting My Hands Dirty

Posted on 3:00 PM by follow me

Here in my area of Indiana, Mother's Day (mine was awesome, by the way, hope yours was too!) officially heralds the beginning of planting season. I'm all atwitter with dreams of blooming flowers and fresh cut bouquets. I have a reputation for coming out of the gate strong but invariably my enthusiasm wanes when the summer sun becomes brutal. Every year I swear to myself that I will be better. This year I am right on track with making big plans and empty promises.
I have lots of empty space in my beds this year, the result of digging up all of my roses due to their irresistability to Japanese Beetles. There are few things that freak me out as much as having a beetle land in my hair. So at this point I've got good bones but no color. I'm dreaming of coneflower, delphinium and clematis. I'm researching and sketching and shopping and planning. I'm wishing I could trade my clay soil for real brown dirt and hoping y'all will share the names of your favorite plants with me so that I can consider them too.

I may be scarce this week as I hope to be up to my elbows in dirt. Happy digging friends.

If you'd like you can swing by the BHG Challenge and see how I'm faring!
Also, to answer a couple of questions for you readers:
1) The dress in the last post is from Sundance Catalog.
2) The cubby in my laundry room is from

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