Monday, May 28, 2012

In Good Company

Posted on 4:33 AM by follow me

This is what my lap looks like almost every time I am on the computer. They both make it quite clear that they are unhappy when I stop petting them. And that Tummy cat will just start talking and complaining if you dare stop giving him attention. Is is just me or does Millie have an unusually large snout? I think she is the Jimmy Durante of dogs. Love that face! We call her Leaner Dog because she loves to come up and lean her head on you to show her love. Now you see why I am unable to post more often? How could I be expected to say no to these faces?

I was tagged by Christine at Simple Starfish the other day and even though I'm usually horrible about these things, I thought I'd play along even though I'm not passing the tag along.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Trying to work up the courage to get a divorce. Thank goodness I was finally brave enough to go through with it.

2. 5 things on my to do list today? I wish I only had 5 things on my list. 1)Volunteer at the library 2) Go to the grocery store 3) weed the side flowerbeds 4) Plant flowers 5) Balance the checkbook and pay bills. Good times.

3. Snacks I enjoy? This is my current fave: A Granny Smith apple, 1 laughing cow wedge of light swiss cheese, and a few multigrain crackers. Yummy, satisfying and figure friendly.

4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire? Hire a housekeeper and spend more time playing in my studio. Oh and buy more shoes. And maybe catch up with the rest of civilization and buy an Ipod. You can see I would change a lot and probably be intolerable to be around.

5. Places I lived? St. Louis, Atlanta, Memphis, Miami, Indianapolis I could go on but I will spare you.

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