Monday, May 7, 2012

A Mom's Wish

Posted on 10:20 AM by follow me

Mother's Day will soon be upon us and it's got me thinking. So many of us claim to not want much from our family on this very special day, that we're content to just spend time with the ones we love. And then that's exactly what we get, not much. And we're disappointed.

I think sometimes we are so used to sacrificing for our family that we can't even let it go for this single day that should be a celebration of everything we do for our families every single day of the year. I think we really want to be thanked on this day for all the kissed boo boos, chauffeuring, lunches made, games played, books read, cookies baked, laundry cleaned, tears dried, meals cooked, stories listened to and sacrifices made.

I was talking to my friend Cammy the other day and we were discussing how Mother's Day feels even more important than our birthdays. I really believe that this is because, for those of us stay at home Moms, Mother's Day is like our year end review and bonus. I want a good review and bonus this year or I might need to make a change. When I was a full time working Mom for 7+ years I got confirmation at work of what a great job I was doing. While my Sweet Hubby does a good job of telling me how much he appreciates my sacrifices and what I do for our family, on this day I need him to show me.

My day doesn't have to be extravagant & filled with fabulous gifts like the ones pictured here, although, that's okay too. It should be thoughtful and considerate. Have a plan, put some effort into it. Think about how much I do for our family for the other 364 days of the year and then just for this one day spoil me rotten. In the end we both win.

P.S. Dear Sweet Hubby, the links for all of these treasures can be found in my online favorites folder. Just in case. A girl can never be too prepared.

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