Monday, May 28, 2012

"Present" Under Glass....

Posted on 8:04 PM by follow me

I have just suffered a finger-laming
pet accident, so I have to make this
a short post since I cannot feel my
pinkie...(he didn't mean too...I
should have nipped his claws sooner...
am I an enabler, or what?)
Anyway...I know you have all seen this
picture of my wicker trunk that I have
topped with glass to keep the dust off
and how I placed vintage postcards
underneath the glass for a bit of
whimsy...I am all about the whimsy! :)

Well, that idea was not originally mine.
Bee & Kae have been doing this for years...
(and it's the most fun when they do it for
their kids' birthdays and make a collage
of THE most embarrassing childhood
pictures...the naked baby pics...the red
short-shorts...the Power Ranger pj's...
ohhhhhhhhhhh, how we laugh ourselves

But I digress, Kae has this glass covered
coffee table that she jazzes up for every
holiday.. and this is her Valentine's

No, I have no idea how she got all those
doilies to stay in place...I have to ask...

Hurry over to visit out hostess, Marie

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