Saturday, May 12, 2012

*well the sign says it all ...*

Posted on 8:20 AM by follow me

Well the weather last week was just beautiful wasn't it, so of course it was definitely BBQ time at the weekend! We kept our fingers crossed that the weather would stay lovely on Saturday and we certainly weren't let down. Hurray!

Sitting outside for a full evening was so lovely, it seemed to wipe from our memories the snow & hailstones we had just over a month ago! Listening to blackbirds singing, sipping wine, giggling with friends & filling our tummy's with delicious food was an absolute joy, and just what was needed after all that cold weather.

Of course I have a pink BBQ, would you really expect anything else?
Unfortunately I forgot to take any good photos ~ mmmmm perhaps the wine & giggling may have had something to do with that!
It is one of those cutie little pink bucket BBQs, have you seen them? ~ they are adorable. They are so perfect for smaller spaces & ideal to take along on picnics and they cook exceedingly well!

Lets keep our fingers crossed for more lovely 'Pimms type' weather so there will be lots more delicious evenings spent outside.
(Mmmmmm Pimms!)
Toodle-oo for now lovelies.

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