Thursday, June 14, 2012

One Man's Trash & Celebrating Dad

Posted on 2:59 PM by follow me

Isn't it amazing that what some people don't consider fit to be in their homes, other people find to be the most amazing of treasures? I found this at one of my favorite antique stores, $3. I know most of you wouldn't take it for free. Clearly, I'm not most people. I think I will use it to hold supplies in the studio. I love the color and find myself buying things by color lately. Do you do that too? I'll have to have a blue day soon and show you some of the things I've been buying.

So really truly, aren't Daddy's the greatest? I miss mine terribly even though he's been gone for almost 10 years. I can't believe that actually. Wow. I'm so grateful though that Maddie and Emma have been graced with the best version of a Daddy that I've seen anywhere. He built this for Emma a few weeks ago (with a little help from one of the other best Daddy's I know. Thanks Chris!). She is loving it. But not content to just be your average Daddy, he agreed to camp in it with the little princess.

They ran electricity out there and watched a movie and made the space all cozy and just right for snuggling. It turned out to be a chilly night and even though Emma tried to sneak out in the wee hours to cuddle up in bed with Mommy, they made it and I am sure it will be one of her best childhood memories.

I hope you're blessed to have a Daddy like this for your kids and for those of you that still have your Daddy around, hug him tight on Father's Day for those of us who can't.

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