Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Reading List

Posted on 6:19 AM by follow me

We're headed to North Carolina tomorrow and I'm looking forward to time to read in the car. I have a monster stack of magazines to work my way through and we'll see how many of these books I get around to. I'll give you my recommendations as I read them but until then let me recommend these 2 books that I recently bought and love.

Cupcakes by Elinor Klivans: I've tried several of these recipes and have been very pleased, plus just looking at pictures of cupcakes automatically makes you happier.

The Only Bakesale Cookbook You'll Ever Need by Laurie Goldrich Wolf and Pam Abrams: I just made the toffee bars from this cookbook yesterday and they were de-lish! Five ingredients and you are on your way to heaven. My life would be so much easier if I didn't love to bake so much.

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