Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Posted on 9:08 PM by follow me

Ok...that might be a tad dramatic, but
wooooohooooooooooooo am I happy!!!
As you may recall, in a previous POST
I lamented my laziness and how it had caused
the rusty ruination of many of my dishes!


Now, you all had some great suggestions...
alas, I could not find any of the products
you recommended! It's like cold war Soviet
Union around here with the rationing of
cleaning products!


But part of the problem is that I am a
major dork! I had it in my head that
Bar Keep's Friend was some sort of a I was looking for it in the
wrong place!


But today, as I reached for the Comet
(to handle some of my more mundane
cleansing needs) I saw it! Right there!
Before my doofus eyes!


All I had to do was put a dab of water
on the rust and a bit of the miracle
powder, and with the first rub the stain
began to disappear! That simple!

Holy cow!!!!!!

Look at that!

Sweet mother of pearl!

Bar Keep's Friend is completely
amazing! So, now I can go back to
being disgustingly lazy and just fix
my boo boos later!! ;)

Seriously though, if you don't have this
stuff under your kitchen sink you are
making your life a whole lot harder than
it has to be!!!

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