Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet 16 Part II or Oy, Why do I Have to be Related to These People

Posted on 4:46 AM by follow me

As I was going through pictures for Maddie's official birthday post I found all of these other pictures that are much more indicative of what our family and home is like. I know as bloggers we tend to put our best face forward but I thought I would take this opportunity to show you our reality. It's not always pretty.

You know that kid in the movie Parenthood that put a bucket on his head and liked to headbutt things? Well Emma reminds me a lot of that kid. Later in the day I found her laying on the floor with a basket on her head. Sometimes it doesn't pay to ask why.

This would be my sweet, crazy husband. I'd like to tell you that we are still trying to find the right balance for his medication but the truth is that he just acts like this naturally. And he doesn't care what other people think. This can make for an interesting combination. We are getting ready to go on vacation with Cammy of Freckled Farm fame and her family and I consider this fair warning for them. There is still time to cancel that reservation Cammy!

Maddie is a biter. Still. I really tried to break the habit when she was a toddler. I even specifically remember biting her back once after a particularly ferocious attack but clearly it had no effect on her. Everything is all sweet and lovey one moment and then wham...

she turns on you. You never know when this will happen which is why I often flinch when Maddie tries to show me affection. I'm sure a licensed clinical therapist might be able to give us some insight into this situation.

As for me and the dog? We're the only normal ones around here. She and I often share the same expression on our faces. What's that look you see there? Why, I believe that's fear mixed with disgust.

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