Wednesday, July 25, 2012

If it ain't Broke, Don't Fix it

Posted on 12:19 PM by follow me

This is a list of things that have recently broken in our house. It doesn't seem possible, does it? You think I'm making it up. I don't blame you. I would think the same thing if you offered up this list to me. It's like I am the human Bermuda Triangle. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

blow dryer
pencil sharpener
coffee grinder
hot water heater
water softener
my car

Today we added my car to the list and right before we're to leave on vacation. I have a theory about my car. You see, I'm approaching 100k miles and I'll admit that I've been looking at other cars and daydreaming about being with a new one. I've wondered what it would be like to have one that does what I tell it to do, one that doesn't have such weird old car quirks. I'm pretty sure my car found out and got it's feelings hurt. As punishment today when we went to get ice cream cones it decided to not let us turn the key in the ignition but instead to get jammed up and to keep the key in the position that would, as a bonus, run down the battery. It's punishment for my wandering eye. I understand that. And I'm not stupid, I know the only perfect car is one you've never lived with. But still. I can't help but hope that my car will fall right off the tow truck on the way to the dealership and after it's totaled I will have no choice but to buy something like this.

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