Sunday, July 8, 2012

*Lazy Hazy Sunny Sunday Day*

Posted on 11:28 AM by follow me

*Hurray* the sun was shinning it's sunny shiny face on us today!

Unfortunately James and I are both still suffering from this cold (yes I passed it on to him, but I'm on my way to recovery now *yay*) and so had to have a lazy day, which was lovely all the same!

Fed up of doing nothing, but not really being able to do alot, we decided to make a Victoria Sponge Cake! We finally both managed it but then had to have a nap to regain our lost energy!!!
When we finally came around, we mustered up enough energy to make some cheese scones, so we had a lovely tea-time treat of tiny cream cheese sandwiches, delicious cheese scones and our nice big Victoria Sponge! Mmmmmmm *yummy*!
(Notice how much filling is in the cake, I'm blaming my lack of judgement because of this cold! Also we won't be able to share any of it as obviously we don't want to be passing on our cold ~ tee hee!!!)
So altogether it's been a lovely lazy hazy sunny Sunday Day!
*Happy Sunday everyone*

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