Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let's Rock n' Roll.....

Posted on 7:28 PM by follow me

The next person I hear say that is gonna
get SUCH a smack!
So, we had a bit of an earthquake this
I have lived here my entire life and I
will never get used to the feeling and
sounds of an earthquake!

POOR THING! His first earthquake!!!!! I couldn't
get him out from under the bed...his sister, when I
finally found her, was in a drawer...and not too happy!

Yipee, the June Roses chintz and the rubber ducky
were the only 2 things that didn't fall off the bathroom
OOOooph! My vintage mottos...I haven't had the
nerve to see if their Eastlake frames were damaged in
the fall....

I think that every frame I own ended up on the floor!

Boooooooooooooo hoooooooooooo...the Rose DuBarry
demi tasse...kaboom!

If that cats don't knock it off the mantle...a good
rattle will!

Hmmmm...cheapo 99 cent store frames...good in
theory...but seem to explode when they fall!
Poor bathing beauty...looks like she is napping peacefully!
Things went this way & that!

Ugh...underneath lies a little chintz cup...I was afraid
to was ok though.

Lesson learned?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh yah....get in the doorway.....
maybe NOT!

Looks a bit different after the EQ drill, huh?
Chintz spends the day in a safe, flat place!

Everyone is safe & fine but the knees are a bit
rubbery! :)

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