Monday, July 9, 2012

Swirling, Twirling Loops of Lovliness...

Posted on 6:25 PM by follow me

Was my post title a tad overly dramatic?
Sorry about that, I cannot help but
rhapsodize over ribbons!
To me, this tangle of treats is beautilicious!

Doesn't have to be fancy...Walmart pink polka dots... gross grain polka dots...


This is one of my all time favs!!!! From the $1
bins @ Michael's...I think I bought every roll
they had!!!

These ones too...I like this Frenchy-themey-thing
going on here!

This was a bit "spendy"...but, HELLO!
it's pink and hand stamped!

Such a pitty I couldn't do justice to this blue...
heaven...paradise...think along those lines...
$2 clearance aisle!

Velvety ribbon? Be still my foolish heart!
Seriously, I get all twitterpated in it's

And frothily colored seam bindings...
take me, I'm yours!

Sometimes I know just what I want it for,
sometimes I just want it! I know the inspiration
will come later. But even if it just stays on it's
spool for months...I still enjoy just looking
at it!

Hurry over to Julia's for more
Today, on my morning radio station, KFI,
Bill Handel did a report on "MOMMY BLOGGERS"
that I think many of you will find interesting.
He shared a lot of good information and tips and
who I have never heard of, but she gets more than 500
comments per post (do the math!), She earns
so much from her blog that neither she nor her
husband have to work outside the home! YIKES!!!
If you'd like to hear the segment, I cannot get
you to the exact pod cast, but here is the pod cast page for
MOMMY BLOGGERS . You can't miss it under
Bill Handel's name. Maybe you'll gleen a tip or too! :)

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