Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An Updated Update!

Posted on 8:01 AM by follow me

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support while we have been going through this drama! It has meant more to me than you could possibly know. Thank you too for your comforting comments and emails.

I had a great doctor's visit today. They did all the tests and sonogram of my heart and the doctor said that I don't have any effects from the medication that I took, there is no thickening of my heart, the leakage from my valves is minimal and less than someone 1/2 my age might have. My heart responds just the way it should to stress and that I have a normal, healthy heart and the doctor even gave me his personal guarantee on that! He my heart is so healthy that if he needed a heart, he'd happily take mine. They have me hooked up to a holter monitor for the next 7 days to record any chest pains or palpitations that I have and we go back to discuss those findings on Aug 21st. I am greatly relieved and just ready to relax and not think about it anymore.

My next post will have absolutely nothing to do with my health. I promise. I'm ready to get back to living life. I have just 4 more days with the girls before schools starts so I probably won't be posting again before that. I'm looking forward to having some time next week to catch up with all of you and to think about something other than myself!

In other news I want to thank The Closet Therapist for giving me a Premio award. I would also like to thank Ruthann at Warm Pie, Happy Home for also awarding me the Premio, as well as 2 other awards! You ladies are so nice to think of me and I'm just sorry I haven't acknowledged them earlier. I am just terrible at the whole award thing which is why I'm not passing them on! I adore you all and I hope you know it!

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