Saturday, August 18, 2012

Empty Spaces

Posted on 5:54 PM by follow me

School is back in session and while I am excited about it, I did get a little mopey that first morning. I did great on our way to take her to school. Then she actually got out of the car. Then I sobbed a little. Or a lot. It depends on who you ask. Lucky for me my Sweet Hubby was there to drive me home, pick up the pieces and sooth my soul.

(Gratuitous adorable dog picture.) Millie was also feeling a little mopey.

Then we came home to a quiet house. Then we went to a movie and out for lunch. Then I remembered why I love the school year. Then I cleaned Emma's room for the first time since Summer began. Then I sighed with satisfaction knowing the room would stay clean until at least 3 o'clock. Then I took pictures for you.

Every girl needs a soft place to rest her head. My girl prefers to do it on vintage and mismatched bedding.

  Every girl needs collections.

And more collections.

Every girl needs a place to collect inspiration.

Every girl needs a list of her favorite things.

Even if things like rocks and pencils rank higher on that list than her very own Mommy. At least Mommy didn't come in dead last like Daddy.

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