Sunday, August 26, 2012

The 7/70 Project

Posted on 7:43 AM by follow me

Or how to get your butt in gear and reclaim your house in 8 easy steps.

1) Go online and schedule Amvets to come pick up donations at your house in one weeks time.
2) Gather up everything that you've stuck in a corner for the last year that you intended to sell on Craigslist/ebay/garage sale/cosignment shop and just do it already.
3) Pinky swear to yourself that you will donate everything that didn't sell or get taken to the shop, NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT IS WORTH if it's still in your house on pick up day.
4) Get off your duff and start going through your stuff. You only have 7 days, you know.
5) Let go of the emotional attachments and realize how much more zen you will feel without all that crap sitting around.
6) Challenge yourself to gather at least 10 different things each day to donate. And no, 10 sheets of scrapbook paper doesn't mean you have met your quota. Like things count as 1 item here, buster.
7) Drag it all out the door to wait for the Donation Fairy to take it away.
8) Breathe a big sigh of relief and be proud that you accomplished something BIG this week.

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