Sunday, August 19, 2012

Village Life - Month 3

Posted on 6:55 AM by follow me

All week I've planned to do a post about the girls starting school but every morning as I walk with Emma, I'm filled with an overwhelming desire to instead share with you how life is treating us during our third month in the Village. You will have to wait until tomorrow to hear about their first week in their new schools.

The negatives: the spiders continue to be a constant annoyance, I'm not a fan of our grass/dirt/weed ratio, can't stand the chain link fence surrounding our backyard and this house is by no means my dream house...BUT...

We're so happy here! It was scary in the beginning, change often is, but now we're thriving in this place filled with sidewalks, trees, friendly neighbors and community. Every morning as Millie and I walk Emma to school, I am overcome with a feeling of bliss. I've lived in many different places but this town is unlike any I've ever known. It's like living in a movie about the perfect, all American, wholesome small town and I love that this is my life now. How did I get this lucky? Where did I get the nerve to make this life altering decision? We do not miss our old suburban lifestyle one little bit.

The possibility of moving to the country at the end of this period has been dismissed. We've realized that the Village and it's parks are our yard. We can have a treehouse for Emma, gardens, composting bin and a clothesline here in town. There are also no rules prohibiting chickens in the Village. Emma starts horseback riding lessons at a stable that is on the edge of the Village. We have everything we want right here.

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