Thursday, September 27, 2012

Displaying the Goods

Posted on 11:15 AM by follow me

Yesterday Cammy at Freckled Farm (which just happens to be one of my very favorite blogs) shared pictures of her wonderful creative space which inspired me to get busy organizing my studio so that I could share some new pictures with you.

I found this very versatile shelf at a garage sale last week for $10. Each shelf has a plate groove and is very well made. This piece would work equally well in my family room, kitchen or dining room. I just love pieces like that. Even though I love the black paint, I think I will probably paint it later so that it better fits the decor. I'm waiting until I get all of the pieces for this room before I decide what gets a coat of paint.

I'm enjoying the opportunity to display more of what I have because if I don't see it, I forget I own it.

I had to do some rearranging and hole patching (hate that!) but the space is really coming along. I love the feel of this room because even though the things that are in it are mismatched, it is cozy & completely me. Now I am on the lookout for a large piece of furniture for the wall opposite the work area that will provide a lot of storage. I'm looking for something antique because it better fits in my budget, but finding something old that is at least 12 inches deep and is the right size is proving to be a slow process. Good things come to those who wait.

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