Monday, September 17, 2012

Inspired By The Montage....

Posted on 8:04 PM by follow me

Once upon a time, our fabulous friend, Michelle,
was visiting from Kansas (HI! Michelle!!!) and she
was staying at a hotel in Laguna Beach called, The
Montage(I was going to put their link in here, but
the parking attendant crashed Bee's car when we
were there, so I decided against it!)
But I digress...after lunch we wandered into the
gift shop an spied a bejeweled starfish..."Ohhhhhh,
Aaaaaaaaaaahhh", we cooed. "That's so pretty, how
much is it?", someone asked oh so innocently.
Why are the price tags always UNDERNEATH the
item????? Undaunted, I crouched down on the
floor of the swanky shop and craned my neck until
I could see the price tag through the glass shelf...
and after I fainted dead away and was promptly
revived by the girls, I eeecked out, "It's $125...".
And after they threw more water in my face I said,
"Who that heck are they trying to kid! I can make that!".
Now, I know that our dollar is like Monopoly money
in some of your countries right now...but $125 for
a starfish...PUH-LEEEEEZ!
That was the fateful occasion that inspired me to
paint & glitter & bejewel poor defenseless sea shells
and starfish.

(I know, my lighting is baaaaaaad. I am finding
the light in my "staging area" (my dining room
window") is changing for the worse as the year
goes on, so you'll probably need to click on the
pics to see detail and I'll need to find another
window! Sorry about that.

Pearls & vintage rhinestone...who could ask for
Grandama's vintage shells & rhinestones...
Pink fresh water pearls accents....

I have just bought a new batch of stinky starfish....
(does anyone know how to get rid of that smell????
Soooooooooo much worse than stinky boy socks or
hockey equipment!)
Who knows what I will adorn them with next???! ;)

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