Monday, September 10, 2012

Many Thanks

Posted on 9:09 AM by follow me

Last Monday I was so excited to receive a comment on this post and an email from Serena, part of the duo known to us as the famous & fabulous Farm Chicks . She wanted to thank me for my kind comments on their work and for my link to their website. She also asked for my address so that they could send me a "little something". I'm thinking a) a cease and desist letter from their attorney or b) one of their way cool bumper stickers.

I finally managed to get out to the mailbox Sunday morning and what do I find waiting? The sweetest little box from my new friends. I'm thinking an attorney would probably use something that looks somewhat more official, so this must be a good little something. I recognized this to be a special moment, and sat down to slowly open the box, savoring every moment. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. Little something? Umm, I don't think you could really classify the best box of goodness I've ever been sent, a "little something". I am so touched by their generosity. Shopping list, recipe cards, stickers, charms and a necklace from their line of products, all packaged up with such thought and charm.
Enclosed was the sweetest note thanking me & saying that this little blog was the #1 blog for referrals to their website this past year. I'm amazed and wowed and want to thank all of you that come by to visit The Cottage Nest. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you. To prove it, I'm putting together a little thank you of my own, to be announced later this week.

And speaking of The Farm Chicks, do you know about the Country Living Fair? I love fairs, with a love that is deep and true. This one promises to be special. It's Sept 28th-30th in Morrow, OH and The Farm Chicks will be there! By the way, guess who lives just 2 short hours away from Morrow, OH? Go ahead & guess. Yeppers peppers, me! You can bet I'll be there. So gas up your car and grab your wallet & meet me there. I'll be the one with The Farm Girls sticker on my car.

One More thing. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your wonderfully positive comments on my last post. I am so proud to be in such fine company. I'm glad that all of you took my words in the spirit in which they were written and not as a put down to those who are not on the same path as me. I truly recognize that we are all different and make different choices whether out of desire or need, and we should support each other however we can.

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