Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The View from Here

Posted on 6:22 AM by follow me

This morning I woke up to temperatures in the 50's, a light breeze rustling the trees and my man beside me. It feels like the kind of morning that was created to give us a little glimpse of perfection.

I have been waiting for this very kind of morning. Waiting and dreaming. This kind of morning calls out to be celebrated. Not in the parade and marching band sort of way, but in a cinnamon toast, cocoa, snuggle under a blanket on the back porch with your honey sort of way.

 That's us. Perfectly imperfect.

A lovely, silly, scruffy, snuggly kind of morning.

 I love the view from here. Literally and metaphorically.

You know how sometimes as you are having an experience, you just know in your heart that you want to memorize every moment of it?

That was this morning. Believe me, I'm not in the habit of celebrating Monday mornings. But this one? It demanded it.

I think probably there are many more perfect moments in our life than we notice. There is something about the cool air this morning that has me wanting to take the time to find them.

 Wherever you are and whatever you are doing this morning, I hope you are enjoying the view.

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