Sunday, September 30, 2012

Village Life - Month 4

Posted on 6:47 AM by follow me

 Our 4th month in the Village began with a Fall celebration. Honestly there is a celebration of one kind or another most every weekend. It makes it so hard for us to go anywhere because we hate to miss any of it.

 This month brings us full circle in our journey to live here. It was this time last year that we first started visiting regularly.

One year since we felt our hearts pulled to this place that felt more like home than any place I have ever been.

 The days of second guessing ourselves and questioning whether or not we made the right decision are gone. Our girls are thriving here. Our lives are thriving here.

 I love it more each day. There are days when this house and being renters drives me crazy but... I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. All we have to do is walk out our door to be reminded why we came.

There have been so many times that we have just stopped in the middle of town and looked around in awe that this is our life. That this thing that started out as what felt like an out of reach dream, is now our life. I can't even tell you what a powerful feeling it is. I hope you will pick one of your dreams and work on making it come true.

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