Saturday, October 13, 2012

Autumn Adventures

Posted on 11:09 AM by follow me

 On Monday, I put on my big girl panties, jumped in my car and headed for Urbana, IL to meet my most creative friend, Melissa for lunch. Drive 2 hours for lunch? Why not? I packed up the embroidery colaboration we've been working on and put on some good tunes.
 It was a beautiful day to spread my wings and hit the road. The day was perfect. The leaves a symphony of color.
The Autumn air a little warm for my liking but the sun was kind enough to mostly stay hidden so that I could enjoy having an open window to the sky.  
Note to self: taking pictures for your blog while driving is perhaps not a wise choice.
 Melissa and I go back to Silver Bella 2008. During this difficult past year she is the entire reason I have maintained any creative spirit. For that and many other things, I owe her a lot.

 Isn't she a doll? I wish she lived closer!  
Note to Mike:Next time you take a picture of me and your wife and my necklace is framing my boob, please tell me. I don't do that on purpose.

On Tuesday my sweet friend Jayme came to visit the Village. I mean me. Let's be honest. It was the Village. And I'm pretty sure she fell in love. Not necesarily with me. I think I could easily make a living just selling houses to my friends here. You would think 2 bloggers getting together for a day would produce tons of pictures. You would be wrong. This is the closest we came to a picture of us together...a picture of our cupcakes together. I did take a picture of her while she was eating her cupcake but since she is my friend and I would like her to remain so, I won't publish it here. I'll save it for blackmail purposes. Instead I'll share these ghost cupcakes with you.
Oh, what the heck! Here's the picture of Jayme. I feel confident that she'll still love me tomorrow. Luckily for me, she didn't have her camera so I know there will be no payback. This time. My Lord, I have the most beautiful friends.

Of course, as with all of my friends she demanded to be taken to The Flying Cupcake. If you come see me I will take you too.

It was a lovely day but way too short. So glad you drove 2 hours to have lunch with me. It's true what they say... what comes around goes around.

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