Monday, October 8, 2012

Playing Along and a Question

Posted on 4:11 AM by follow me

I have been tagged for 2 games and true to form I have been awful about playing along. Here goes.

7 Random facts about me:
1) I love socks. I buy a lot of them. When I was growing up we were very poor and as a treat my mom would occasionally let me pick out a new pair of socks at the grocery store. I would get so excited. I was very appreciative (still am). I would put those socks on as soon as I got home & not take them off for at least a day and half.

2) I wear my pedometer all the time. I'm wearing it right now. I feel naked without it.

3)I don't like coffee. I love the idea of it & want to like it desperately. I keep trying & hoping but no luck yet. I'm determined to like it because I have this image of Sweet Hubby & I sitting on the patio drinking coffee together when we're old.

4) Sweet Hubby never proposed to me. We're not quite sure how we ended up getting married because neither of us can remember a conversation where we said "Hey, do you think we should get married?" It seems like we just assumed it from almost the moment we started dating.

5)My maiden name is Whistle. Can you imagine what a burden it is to have a maiden name like that? I always say that the reason I stupidly got married so young the first time is because I wanted to be rid of that name.

6) I have a magazine problem. I subscribe to 12 decorating magazines & still buy others on the newstands although not nearly as many as I used to. I also can't resist those offers for free trial issues. Send 'em on. I am trying to get better. I've decided to let 2 of them expire. Go me!

7)I met my dad(step) for the first time when I was 4. I remember it clearly. He walked in and talked to me and gave me a Mr. Potato Head. I called him Daddy and the rest is history. He liked to tease and say that he married my mom because he didn't want to disappoint me.

The Middle Name Game:
K- Kitchen. It's my favorite room in the house. If it were up to me, mine would be twice as big as it is. I think if I were an interior designer, I would be happy to specialize in kitchens. One day I will have the kitchen of my dreams.
A-Addictive personality & ADD. See number 7 above. I get completely absorbed in my hobbies and find it hard to think of anything else. When I love something, I totally love something. Until I don't. That's the ADD part. I can get really excited about a project and then drop it like a hot potato before it's finished. And never go back. I think that must be fun for my family to live with.
Y- Young. I was a young mom when I had Maddie, just 22. Most of her friends mom's are in their mid to late 40's. It feels a little strange to have a teenager at the age of 36 when a lot of my friends are still having babies.

Now for my question: Does anybody know where I might find the trick or treat tickets in the picture? I found them on a blog but they weren't for sale. I really want them!

UPDATE: Thanks to Dede Warren I have managed to find these at Sweetpeas and Snapshots and they are on their way to me from sunny California! Behold the power of blogs.

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